Carlmont’s Associated Student Body (ASB) put on a homecoming week filled with school spirit and student-led festivities.
Countless hours were poured into the brainstorming, organization, decoration, and execution of the homecoming events such as the assembly, parade, and dance. Some planning started months in advance or even in the previous school year. On the week of Homecoming, many ASB members were on campus until as late as midnight, taking part in various events.
“What you see is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Jim Kelly, the ASB adviser.
ASB team members chose commissions to join, which directed their focus on specific activities. These commissions included the Spirit commission, which planned spirit week, the Media commission, which used technology during the homecoming assembly, as well as other commissions that focused on other aspects of ASB led festivities.
“Almost every ASB member is involved during homecoming week in some way,” said Andres Raddavero, a senior.
Each team member also contributes a large amount of their time to make sure everything is set up and accounted for throughout the week’s celebrations.
“They’re here almost 75 hours, times 50 kids,” Kelly said. “I mean, we’re talking hundreds and hundreds of hours.”
ASB team members were not the only students who took part in preparing for Homecoming. Other students chipped in by helping to decorate homecoming floats, cheering at football games, and dressing up to take part in spirit week.
“Spirit week helps show that Carlmont is a fun place to hang out, and it’s a safe environment to learn in,” said Joshua Sun, a sophomore.
The various ASB commissions worked with the football, dance, and cheer teams to hype up the crowds during the homecoming game. They also ran In It to Win It, a series of games to spark excitement for the upcoming football game.
“One of my favorite parts is after the dance is over,” Raddavero said. “After we clean everything up, we all just sit there, and we think, ‘Wow, the week we went through.’”
Year after year, ASB puts effort into one of the most anticipated weeks of school in the year, each time different from its past, and each time leaving students waiting for the next year’s festivities.
“It’s pretty cool to work with a group of students who so truly believe in the product and the service that we’re providing, that they will dedicate so much of their time to make it happen,” Kelly said.