The new biotech building is open as of Monday, October 3rd.
The massive project up in U-hall has finally been completed, and is now open to AP biology and biotech students.
The new biotech building has been a long time in the making. Carlmont’s biotech teachers began writing for the grant, which would supply the funds for the project, years ago.
“We started applying for the CTE grant through the California Department of Education about three and a half years ago,” responded Christina Doss, a biotech and AP biology teacher at Carlmont, when asked about when they began plans for the new building.
CTE stands for “career training education.” CTE grants provide funds to schools to set up, or improve, their CTE programs. Biotech is one of those CTE classes, allowing students to preform hand-on experiments and providing experience working in labs.
When asked about what the new biotech building means to students, Doss explained that “the biotech program is no longer limited to one classroom, instead we have three now.The four-year program can expand, more students can be part of it, and it’s all state-of-the-art equipment.”
There is no doubt that the new biotech building will improve the program. Now if it just wasn’t such a far walk…