On Thursday, Mar. 31, Carlmont students were given the opportunity to courageously donated their blood to those in need in the Student Union.
“I did it for the fun of it,” said Trevor Nixon. Whether to do it to help patients in need of blood, or “for the fun of it,” the blood donated is greatly appreciated to lives that blood helps save.
The small prick from the needle is the only thing that may bother people when giving blood. “It didn’t hurt,” replied Nixon.
For most people, donating blood makes them feel like they’re making a difference. But one thing people need to realize is that you must meet specific healthy standards and requirements to actually donate blood. Some of the standards you must meet are: one must be at least 110 pounds, cannot have low blood sugar of cholesterol, and must be free from Hepatitis and other blood infections. A parent signature is also needed for students under the age of 18.
Even though there are many people who donate blood, blood supply is always needed especially after disasters occur such as the recent tsunami and earthquake in Japan.
Donated blood is also used for blood transfusions. It is estimated that more than 4.5 million American lives are saved with blood transfusions every year.
As much as 5,000 gallons of donated blood is used daily in procedures around the United States alone, with up to 40,000 Americans donating blood each day. One pint of blood can positively affect the lives of 3 people.
It’s nice to know that many of our Carlmont students have helped save lives.
[Image courtesy of the American Red Cross]