After students and teachers at Carlmont worked for over a month, the first quarter comes to a close.
While the progress reports print, students and teachers look forward to the excitement that second quarter has in store. With homecoming, holiday breaks, and finals coming their way, the students and teachers are sure to be occupied during this quarter.
Junior class president Luke Li looks forward to the upcoming second quarter. “I’m looking forward to the homecoming dance and game,” said Li, “But, I’m especially excited for Halloween.”
Some students at Carlmont cannot believe that the quarter is finally ending. ” I can’t believe it’s already second quarter,” said junior Billy Tabakis, ” The year is already starting to go by really fast.”
With first quarter grades being revealed, students logged on to infinite campus to check their grades. Junior Chris Fong, is satisfied with his grades. “I’m happy with the grades I’ve received,” said Fong, “I think I’ll do even better during this quarter.”
Now that first quarter has ended, Carlmont is now ready and prepared to embrace the second quarter.  This quarter is packed with fun and excitement for the students and teachers to enjoy. Homecoming, Halloween, finals, and holiday breaks are scheduled to keep everyone at Carlmont busy.