The Syrian refugee crisis is not over. The reactions of many Americans are still affecting the rest of the world.
On Nov. 13, 2015, ISIS terrorist attacks took place in Paris, causing many state governors like those of Louisiana and New Jersey to change their opinions on Syrian refugees. More than half of the U.S. governors have stated harsh opinions against all Syrian refugees, saying that they are too big of a threat to society.
Junior Peter Linde said, “The fact that some states are no longer accepting Syrian refugees is unacceptable to me. This is America, a land built on acceptance, and now we aren’t even accepting those who are simply looking for safety.”
In search of a new home, many refugees have turned to Syria’s surrounding countries like Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon. However, the sudden increase of refugees has begun to cause political problems throughout these countries as well.
According to BBC News, Jordan has spent 25 percent of its state budget on refugees, putting a strain on local services and causing many Jordanians to lose their jobs.
“It’s really hard for just a few countries to take the weight of all of those refugees, but they really do need a better place to call home,” said senior Sam Levy. “I think we all need to come together and work out a system so that we can help the refugees.”
Other students at Carlmont have a different idea of how to eliminate the Syrian refugee crisis.
Sophomore Jade Sebti said, “We have reached the point where the refugees have nowhere to go. Other countries have tried to help, but it’s only causing more poverty and hardship. Therefore, I believe that the only way to truly solve the problem is to fix what is happening in Syria, no matter how long it takes.”
The United Nations and European countries like the UK, Germany, Norway, and Kuwait hope to raise new funding to resolve the refugee crisis so that jobs and education can be provided in suffering countries like Jordan.