As Valentine’s Day approaches, Carlmont’s Associated Student Body (ASB) began selling roses to give students a chance to express appreciation for each other.
On Feb. 4, ASB members sold roses in the quad and C-Hall during lunch, offering one rose for $2 or a rose with a teddy bear for $5. These sales will continue throughout next week, along with other Valentine’s-themed activities.
“I bought some roses for my best friends because I thought it would be a fun way to make them laugh and brighten their day when they get delivered,” said Ayden Dean Vitug, a sophomore at Carlmont.
ASB officers announce activities such as rose sales using social media platforms like Instagram, including information on where and when to purchase the roses.
“I think in addition to roses and teddy bears, ASB can sell candy grams and chocolate. The candy grams are a nice way to show appreciation to your friends, and chocolate is a classic gift on Valentine’s Day,” said Grace Zheng, a senior at Carlmont.
ASB has proposed a variety of events for students to engage with during Valentine’s Week.
“This year we plan on having heart-shaped cookie decorating, Polaroid pictures in the quad, bouquet making, a heart mural wall, face painting, free candy, and a ‘wear pink’ spirit day on Valentine’s Day,” said Orion Gurskis, the sophomore class president.
All these lunchtime activities will keep students in Valentine’s spirit while having fun and bonding, creating stronger relationships, according to Gurskis. ASB hosts these events to make everyone feel included and that they have a valentine.
“Back when you were a kid, everybody shared valentines in grade school. It feels good to be somebody’s valentine with no weirdness attached to it. It’s just that good, innocent feeling of being loved or thought of,” said James Kelly, the ASB director.