Cartoon: Elon Musk unlocks Twitter
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CartoonsCartoon: Illegal input
CartoonsCartoon: Temporary trends
CartoonsCartoon: Trendy trash
CartoonsCartoon: Incarceration vs. incineration
CartoonsCartoon: One click away
CartoonsCartoon: Rollercoaster rules
CartoonsCartoon: Money cycle
CartoonsCartoon: A father first
CartoonsCartoon: Moral maze
CartoonsCartoon: Out of reach
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About the Contributor
Emma Yin, Staff Writer
Emma Yin is a senior at Carlmont High School. This is her third year in the journalism program and currently serves as a staff writer and cartoonist. She is interested in art and dabbling in global news. You can find her drawing on her iPad, playing badminton and music, and hunting for a new boba shop. Follow her on Instagram