The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Cartoon: Generating a gap

As the values and belief systems in modern activism have drastically shifted, many older generations are finding it harder to keep up. Shifting values are making it more difficult for the generational gap to be pulled closer, allowing disagreements and stereotypes in each generation to accumulate. Older generations tend to be disapproving of younger generations, viewing them as unfair and lazy. On the flip side, younger generations may percieve older people to be more stubborn and close-minded. Although these stereotypes are easy to fall into, it’s important to remember what you stand for – and to reach across that gap to create a better society. (Marlena Reinshagen)
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About the Contributor
Marlena Reinshagen
Marlena Reinshagen, Staff Writer
Marlena Reinshagen (Class of 2026) is in her sophomore year at Carlmont and is a Staff Writer for Scot Scoop. She loves writing about culture and art and spends a lot of her free time drawing. Outside of school, you can find her singing, drawing, reading, and attempting to bake overly complex food.

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