Cartoon: Love Comes From Within
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CartoonsCartoon: Money cycle
CartoonsCartoon: A father first
CartoonsCartoon: Moral maze
CartoonsCartoon: Out of reach
CartoonsCartoon: Sleepless futures
CartoonsCartoon: Taking the reigns
CartoonsCartoon: Sugar-coated labels
CartoonsCartoon: Caffeine consumptions
CartoonsCartoon: Sickly sales
CartoonsCartoon: Bias check-up
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About the Contributor
Ksenia Lapshina, Staff Writer
Ksenia Lapshina is a sophomore at Carlmont High School. She enjoys challenges and going out of her comfort zone. Lapshina is also eager to learn more about journalism and hopes to gain a new life perspective in the class.
Twitter: @Nattozuki1