Cartoon: Netflix Cracks Down on Password Sharing
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CartoonsCartoon: Temporary Trends
CartoonsCartoon: Trendy trash
CartoonsCartoon: Incarceration vs. incineration
CartoonsCartoon: One click away
CartoonsCartoon: Rollercoaster rules
CartoonsCartoon: Money cycle
CartoonsCartoon: A father first
CartoonsCartoon: Moral maze
CartoonsCartoon: Out of reach
CartoonsCartoon: Sleepless futures
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About the Contributor
Glydelle Espano, Staff Writer
Glydelle Espano is in her senior year at Carlmont High School, completing her third year in the Journalism program. She enjoys digital arts and draws for ScotScoop's cartoon category. Glydelle hopes to cover and review media she likes, such as comics and shows, this year for ScotSscoop. To view her profile, click here.
Twitter: @glyjournalism