Daniella Smit and Audrey Finigan test out the egg drop experiment on the first episode of “Scots’ Science Lab.” This is a very common intro to physics experiment that can be easily replicated at home. Try one of our strategies or come up with your own, but in the meantime, stay tuned to see if our eggs can survive!
Scots’ Science Lab: An Egg-ceptional Experiment
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About the Contributors

Daniella Smit, Highlander Editor-in-Chief
Daniella Smit is a senior at Carlmont High School and is excited to pursue her role as editor-in-chief for the Highlander. Outside the classroom, she enjoys working at Sibby’s Cupcakery, is interested in graphic design, and is on the varsity softball team at Carlmont.
X: @daniellaaasmit

Audrey Finigan, Scot Scoop Managing Editor
Audrey Finigan is currently a senior in the Carlmont Journalism program. Her favorite part of journalism is interviewing different people and hearing their stories. She is also captain of the girls’ varsity water polo team at Carlmont. You can find her walking her dog or making ceramics in her free time.
You can find her journalism portfolio here and her ceramics portfolio here.