Cartoon: The Holiday Lights at the End of the Tunnel
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CartoonsCartoon: Illegal input
CartoonsCartoon: Temporary trends
CartoonsCartoon: Trendy trash
CartoonsCartoon: Incarceration vs. incineration
CartoonsCartoon: One click away
CartoonsCartoon: Rollercoaster rules
CartoonsCartoon: Money cycle
CartoonsCartoon: A father first
CartoonsCartoon: Moral maze
CartoonsCartoon: Out of reach
OpinionOpinion: Carlmont needs to change parking lot rules in order to reduce traffic
OpinionOpinion: Japan is not the perfect utopia
OpinionOpinion: If you're old enough to fight, you're old enough to drink
OpinionSatire: The Oppression Olympics
OpinionOpinion: You will never be rich, and that’s by design
OpinionOpinion: Health insurance and medical services should be integrated
OpinionOpinion: We should cultivate healthy exercise habits from a young age
OpinionOpinion: Chegg’s decline serves as a warning for future companies
OpinionOpinion: California needs to prioritize rehabilitation in its prisons
OpinionOpinion: Grade inflation is harmful in the long term
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About the Contributor
Kasey Liu, Staff Writer
Kasey Liu is a senior at Carlmont High School and enjoys sharing stories and cartoons on Scot Scoop. In her free time, she likes to play guitar, draw, watch anime, and listen to music. To check out her portfolio, click here.
(Twitter: @kaseyliu_)