The Major League Baseball (MLB) season has only been underway for a month and already overflowing with news. In this episode, Bailey Chinnan interviews Carlmont student and avid baseball fan Krish Hirani.
How will rookies fresh out of the minors perform in their Major League debuts? How will early season play affect the Most Valuable Player (MVP) voting come winter? How will a series of arm injuries to top pitching talent determine who wins this year’s Cy Young Award?
This MLB season has been full of surprises with many more sure to follow, every team fighting to come out on top and bring honor to their city this November.
 Cruising by Vendredi   / vendrediduo  Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library  Â
 • Cruising – Vendredi (No Copyright Music)  Â