Caffeine-related hospital visits are on the rise, especially among young adults and teenagers. It is a crystalline compound found in energy drinks, teas, and coffee and is a central nervous system stimulant. With teenage brains still in development, excessive intake of caffeine can heavily affect their mood, sleep, school performance, and other aspects of their lives. Not only this, but consuming mass amounts of caffeine has been shown to cause numerous harmful effects, such as heart attacks, severe arrhythmias, and even death. However, many teenagers and parents aren’t aware of the amount of caffeine that is deemed unsafe; in fact, 1 in 4 teenagers have caffeine every day. With emergency room visits related to caffeine overdose on the rise for adolescents, it’s crucial to stay educated and stay aware of when it’s advised to cut back on energy drinks. (Skylin Lui)
Skylin Lui (Class of 2026) is the junior class president at Carlmont and is a second-year journalist for Scot Scoop. She is currently employed at Doc's Bagels. In her free time, she enjoys reading books, baking goods, and taking naps.
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