On this episode of the Reel Ramble, hosts Izaan Masud and Isabel Wright discuss the new adaptation of Batman, “The Batman,” with Dylan Lobo.
“The Batman” follows Bruce Wayne as he sets out to stop The Riddler and uncovers the corruption within Gotham City.
The film stars Robert Pattinson as Batman, Paul Dano as The Riddler, Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman, Jeffrey Wright as Jim Gordon, Colin Ferrel as The Penguin, Andy Serkis as Alfred, and John Turturro as Carmine Falcone.
Music Used:
roses-tilak on tape
The Batman-Michael Giacchino
Catwoman-Michael Giacchino
The Riddler-Michael Giacchino
Something in the Way-Nirvana
Social Media:
Dylan’s Instagram: @_dylanlobo
Letterboxd Accounts:
Isabel Wright: @lil1zzyvert
Izaan Masud: @izaan_idk
Slay Everyday-Ellie Symons