Nine years ago, James Gunn introduced the world to the flawed and lovable Guardians of the Galaxy, a group of intergalactic criminals who band together for the greater good of the universe. After almost a decade, the conclusion of the Guardians trilogy has arrived.
In contrast to the seemingly never-ending stream of MCU content, the cast and crew have made it clear that this is the end of the Guardians of the Galaxy as we know them. This film not only marks the end of the original Guardians team, but it is also Gunn’s last project within the Marvel Cinematic Universe as he begins his role as the head of the DCU.
For his final episode at Scotscenter, host Izaan Masud discusses Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 and the significance the ending had to his own life.
*Major spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Thank you to everyone who has supported me during my time with Scot Scoop.
Music used:
“roses”-tilak on tape
“Dog Days are Over”-Florence+The Machine